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We offer live remote training at your computer Training email

With our live remote-assistance tool, a member of our team can view your desktop and share control of your mouse and keyboard to get you on your way.

Traffic Graphics Quick Start Training

Traffic Graphics Quick Start Training: is a 3-hour LIVE online training class using Traffic Graphics® software, and your high-speed Internet connection. NOTE: this live class is just like us being at your office watching over your shoulder.

Learn the tools and shortcuts to start drawing your traffic control diagrams faster and more efficiently. We can tailor the class to meet your needs by conducting a basic functionality class for beginners or teach current users the advanced features.

We prefer to schedule a dedicated time for your training session, but in some cases, we can conduct training at the time of your call.

Quick Start Training will enhance your bottom line in several ways, no travel expenses, you do not have to wait until we are in the area, you can budget your training costs and schedule it at a convenient time.

Requirements: A 3-hour block of time, which can be broken up into two sessions (must be with the same student), a computer with a high-speed Internet connection, a phone line (we pay for the phone call) and Traffic Graphics installed on the computer.

**Important: the Quick Start training is limited to using Traffic Graphics; you must still know the required elements of your traffic plan.

All training classes must be scheduled and paid for in advance. Call toll free 877-827-3279 to make arrangements.