Technical support
There are live people here most of the time including extended hours if you need us.
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We offer unlimited live technical support for free
Live remote technical assistance
Do you need a quick solution to a technical problem, or just need to see how to do something quickly, With our live remote-assistance tool, a member of our support team can view your desktop and share control of your mouse and keyboard to get you on your way to a solution.
There is no charge for technical support. Our toll-free number is for both sales and technical support, so we always answer the phone. If you need us, call 877-TCP-EASY (877-827-3279). We are available during normal business hours, and if you need a help during extended hours, give us a try and at least leave a message, there is a good possibility someone will be able to help.
If a phone call just will not suffice, we can also share our computer screen via the internet showing you exactly what to do.
You will need high-speed internet service and an email address at your place of business.